September 2017

Why small businesses should consider experiential marketing

When you consider the most memorable experiential marketing campaigns, most of them inevitably belong to big brands. Experiential marketing isn’t just for the top guns, however. Instead of focusing on promotional materials, small businesses should be using experiential marketing campaigns to connect with their customers on an emotional level. Here are just a few reasons […]

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Using social collaboration tools for a better customer experience

Whether or not a customer stays loyal to your brand, becomes a brand advocate, or moves to a competitor depends on many things, with customer experience being front and centre. While many companies are focusing on improving the experience that customers have at every touchpoint, not enough are paying attention to what happens after the

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How digital influencers can drive shopper marketing strategy

According to GE Capital Retail Bank’s second annual Major Purchase Shopper Study,  81% of consumers go online before heading out to the store, up 20% from last year, and spend an average of 79 days gathering information before making a major purchase. “Thanks to social media, people spend a lot of their time researching products

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