What Business Owners Can Learn from Amazon’s Latest Pop-Up

When one thinks of online shopping, one undoubtedly names Amazon as one of the digital world’s most popular portals. But did you know that this digital giant started out as a modest book store before gradually expanding its offering? Humble beginnings indeed! However, since those days, the portal has continued to increase in popularity. And this is due, at least in part, to its ability to adapt and cater to the needs of its customers.

Recently, Amazon opened a pop-up store in London as a way in which to boost sales and generate excitement around last year’s Black Friday. The pop-up shop was 3 000 square-feet in size. It was unique in that it featured more than 100 curated products within five special themed rooms. The rooms included:

  1. A kitchen and living area,
  2. A bedroom and beauty parlour,
  3. A tech-junkie zone,
  4. A kids’ play and storytelling paradise, and
  5. A stunning creative workshop space.

The organisers made use of numerous ways in which to draw people from far and wide. For example, within the beauty parlour, they called on popular YouTube do-it-yourself’ers to perform make-up tutorials, and in the workshop space, they enlisted small business owners to act as hosts to a variety of exciting workshops and talks. In short, no matter who you were, visiting the store was well worth the journey that you would have had to make to get there!

Here’s what local business owners should learn from Amazon’s efforts:

  • It’s All about Technology 

If your business has yet to start making use of technology, such as virtual reality and apps, in order to provide an experience for its customers, you are falling behind.

“Within the pop-up store, Amazon made it possible for shoppers to purchase products using a QR code which, in turn, opened the product page within the Amazon app on the shopper’s smartphone or tablet,” says Greg Martin from Tradeway.

  • Convenience is Key 

Another stand-out feature of the Amazon pop-up store was the fact that shoppers had the option to inspect the product and then decide whether to have it delivered in-store or directly to their homes. “This convenience factor was obviously another reason why the store was so heavily anticipated and why so many people wanted to pay it a visit,” says Greg.

  • Flexibility Makes a Huge Difference 

The pop-up store made it possible for Amazon to experiment with its client base and further extend its reach. The flexibility of pop-up stores should always be top of mind for business owners who wish to try something new.

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